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Saturday, April 21, 2012

Health Benefits of Muscadine Grapes, A Must Read Study!

  The Muscadine Grape -The King of the Super Fruit.

Unlike traditional bunch grapes (vitis vinifera), that only have 38 chromosomes, the Muscadine grape (vitis rotundafolia) contains 40 chromosomes. This extra pair of chromosomes helps the Muscadine claim the title of the king of the super fruit.
The Muscadine grape has over 100 powerful antioxidants that help neutralize free radicals and limit the amount of damage they cause. Each Nature’s Pearl, product, contains the power of these 100 antioxidants. From the supplement to the skin care line, consumers can be confident they are receiving the most antioxidant available on the market today.

Click to Enlarge>

How do I Limit the Damage from Free Radicals?

To put it simply, free radical damage can be limited by antioxidants. As free radicals are produced, antioxidants reduce the damage caused by limiting the spread of free radicals and removing them from the body. Antioxidants are essentially a clean-up crew, sweeping free radicals away and blocking their formation.

Where can I find antioxidants?

Antioxidants are found naturally in many of the fruits and vegetables that we eat. By eating a diet that is full of antioxidant rich foods, you are helping your body fight free radicals. If you want to take your battle against free radicals to the next level, then you should use products made from the antioxidant packed Muscadine grape.

Health Benefits of Muscadine Grapes by William D. Wagner, Ph.D.
This is an extensive dialogue and report regarding another study which outlines the benefits of Muscadine Grape Seed & Skin Extract and the findings with such issues as :
  • Diabetes
  • Inflammation
  • Antioxidant Effects
  • Regulation Of Specific Genes
  • Regulation of Cell Growth
  • Prostate cells – Kills
  • Ellagic Acid of Muscadine  Kills Colon Cancer Cells
  • Protects Normal Tissues From Chemotherapy Drugs
  • Kills Leukemia
• Muscadine grapes contain many phytonutrients which scientifically have been shown to benefit health.
• The natural and complex interaction or synergy of the phytonutrients is important for health.
• The phytonutrients can act as antioxidants, anti- inflammatory agents and/or on specific genes to reduce the effects of chronic diseases and promote health.
This article cited a report given before the American Association of Cancer Research dated April 18- 22, 2009.  To read the full article and findings:
To me it is amazing that a company in North Carolina, has invested the financial resources to do  clinical trials on its’ Muscadine Grape Seed Extract Product.  More and more people are starting to realize the power of this little smart grape grown primarily in the Southeastern United States.  To order your FREE TRIAL NOW ClickHere

Grape Seed Extract Outperforms Chemo in Killing Advanced Cancer Cells

by Susan Patterson,

Patients with colorectal cancer may benefit from the cancer-growth-inhibiting power of grape seed extract. Researchers from the University of Colorado Cancer Center report that the more aggressive the cancer cells are, the more effective the grape extract works at targeting and stopping the growth. Grape seed extract is amazing in that it attacks the cancer cells but leaves the healthy cells untouched. This is a departure from conventional cancer treatments that destroy all of the cells in an attempt to stop the spread of cancer.

Actually, the power of grape seed extract seems quite remarkable in this research. Molly Derry, a doctoral candidate in the lab of Rajesh Agarwal, PhD, and investigator at the CU Cancer Center and her team saw that while doses of chemotherapy only increase with more severe cancer cases, such as a stage IV instead of stage II, the amount of grape seed extract required actually decreased.

Derry explained:
“It required less than half the concentration of GSE to suppress cell growth and kill 50 percent of stage IV cells than it did to achieve similar results in the stage II cells.”

“We’ve known for quite a while that the bioactive compounds in grape seed extract selectively target many types of cancer cells. This study shows that many of the same mutations that allow colorectal cancer cells to metastasize and survive traditional therapies make them especially sensitive to treatment with GSE.”

Amazing Grapes

One of many berry types, grapes were introduced to America over 300 years ago. There are over 8,000 grape varieties with the main types being American and European. With only 100 calories per cup, grapes are a great source of vitamins K and C and are loaded with antioxidants.

Grape seed extract is made from the seed of the grape and is beneficial for a number of cardiovascular conditions such as poor circulation and high cholesterol. The extract has also been found useful in the treatment of diabetes-related eye disease, loss of vision due to aging, and swelling associated with injury. Currently, GSE is being studied in the treatment of leukemia and Alzheimer’s disease.

Interestingly, past research also points to berries as a solution for colorectal cancer and many other cancers. In one study, the growth of new tumors in mice fed black raspberrydecreased by 45 percent and the total number of tumors went down 60 percent. Otherresearch found that foods rich in flavanols (berries, grapes, apples) also reduces the risk of colon cancer.

Advanced Cancer and Grape Seed Extract

The bioactive compounds in grape seed extract selectively target many types of cancer cells. With an increase in colorectal cancer, the findings of this study are timely. By the time most people are diagnosed with the disease, it is in the advanced stages. But thankfully, as mentioned, researchers found that it required less grape seed extract to kill advanced cancer cells than it did cells in the early stage. It is thought that the extract kills cancer cells by a process of oxidative stress.

Additional Sources:
NBC News

Grape Seed Extract Out Performs Chemo in Killing Advanced Cancer Cells...Colorectal Cancer

Grape Seed Extract Outperforms Chemo for Treating Colorectal Cancer

Natural Society

Patients with colorectal cancer may benefit from the cancer-growth-inhibiting power of grape seed extract. Researchers from the University of Colorado Cancer Center report that the more aggressive the cancer cells are, the more effective the grape extract works at targeting and stopping the growth. Grape seed extract is amazing in that it attacks the cancer cells but leaves the healthy cells untouched. This is a departure from conventional cancer treatments that destroy all of the cells in an attempt to stop the spread of cancer.

Actually, the power of grape seed extract seems quite remarkable in this research. Molly Derry, a doctoral candidate in the lab of Rajesh Agarwal, PhD, and investigator at the CU Cancer Center and her team saw that while doses of chemotherapy only increase with more severe cancer cases, such as a stage IV instead of stage II, the amount of grape seed extract required actually decreased.

Derry explained:

“It required less than half the concentration of GSE to suppress cell growth and kill 50 percent of stage IV cells than it did to achieve similar results in the stage II cells.”

“We’ve known for quite a while that the bioactive compounds in grape seed extract selectively target many types of cancer cells. This study shows that many of the same mutations that allow colorectal cancer cells to metastasize and survive traditional therapies make them especially sensitive to treatment with GSE.”

One of many berry types, grapes were introduced to America over 300 years ago. There are over 8,000 grape varieties with the main types being American and European. With only 100 calories per cup, grapes are a great source of vitamins K and C and are loaded with antioxidants.

Grape seed extract is made from the seed of the grape and is beneficial for a number of cardiovascular conditions such as poor circulation and high cholesterol. The extract has also been found useful in the treatment of diabetes-related eye disease, loss of vision due to aging, and swelling associated with injury. Currently, GSE is being studied in the treatment of leukemia and Alzheimer’s disease.

Interestingly, past research also points to berries as a solution for colorectal cancer and many other cancers. In one study, the growth of new tumors in mice fed black raspberry decreased by 45 percent and the total number of tumors went down 60 percent. Other research found that foods rich in flavanols (berries, grapes, apples) also reduces the risk of colon cancer.  Click Here for Your Bottle TODAY!

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Science Part I

Sick Care NOT Health Care

Time for Change!

  • The so-called war on cancer is not only a dismal failure but has also become an outright lie perpetuated by big business. Not only are more people dying of cancer than ever before but more people are getting cancer at earlier ages than ever before.
  • … finding the cure for cancer might just put the pharmaceutical industry out of business and would certainly end the careers of countless doctors and so called ‘researchers.’ Therefore it is in the best interest of these and related institutions to suppress all knowledge of real, proven cancer cures that do exist and have existed for thousands of years.

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Why did Nature's Pearl™ go to the time and significant expense to fund human clinical trials on our products? Most nutritional supplements do not conduct scientific trials on their products, human or otherwise. Where does that leave the consumer? How do you know how that supplement will affect the human body, if it's never been tested?!

Nature's Pearl™ is committed to providing consumer confidence with scientific data on our Premium Muscadine Grape Seed Supplement. That's why we've sponsored two completed research studies to date.

The second research study performed on Nature's Pearl™ Grape Seed and Grape Skin Extract was titled: "Inhibition of Cancer Cell Growth by Muscadine Grape Seed and Grape Skin Extracts." These results demonstrate that extracts from muscadine grape seeds and muscadine grape skins inhibit the growth of human lung, colon, prostate, breast, skin , brain and leukemia cells in vitro, suggesting that further studies are warranted to investigate their potential use in the prevention or treatment of cancer.
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Muscadine Grape: The Perfect Match to Resveratrol

Muscadine Grapes – The X Factor

In this article we look at the Muscadine Grape – a fascinating super grape that is like no other grape in the world. Once you learn about Muscadine grapes you will see how they make the perfect match to Resveratrol.

What Are Muscadine Grapes?

Muscadine grapes grow throughout the SouthEastern United States. Muscadine grapes (Vitis rotundifolia), also called Scuppernong, are bronze or a purple black color. Muscadines tend to be larger, stronger and have thicker skins than traditional grapes.The climate and weather conditions in the Southeastern United States can be harsh and unpredictable. It is this very difficult climate that helped the Muscadine Grape evolve into a grape like no other.

Muscadine Grapes and Their Extra Chromosomes

Normal grapes have 19 pairs of chromosomes. Muscadines actually have an extra pair of chromosomes – they have 20 pairs! While the fact that muscadines have more chromosomes makes for some interesting trivia, the real excitement comes from the change in phytochemicals and nutrients that those extra chromosomes bring about.

Whatever Does Not Kill Me Makes Me Stronger…This Applies To Grapes As Well.

Muscadine grapes thrive in climates and conditions that would kill most European grapes. Surviving the tough conditions of the SouthEast makes the muscadine grape stronger and more packed with antioxidants and nutrients than any other grape.

In our article, The Big Picture on Resveratrol, we went over some of the the terminology when it comes to classifying the compounds in fruits. Basically fruits are made up of lots of different phytochemicals and it is these phytochemicals that give fruits many of their health benefits.

While Phytochemicals will vary slightly from a red grape grown in California to a red grape grown in France, their nutrients are very similar and therefore their health properties are very similar. Muscadine Grapes are unique in that they have a very different phytochemical makeup compared to standard grapes.

Muscadine Grapes:

  • 20 Chromosome pairs (regular grapes have 19)
  • 6 Times the Resveratrol content of regular red grapes
  • The only grape to contain the very healthy Ellagic Acid (more on this later)
  • More Dietary Fiber than Rice or Oat Bran
  • High Quercetin levels (a very healthy flavonoid)
  • 40x Higher Antioxidants levels compared to standard red grapes

Sounds Great, Where can I Find Muscadine Products?

In places like Georgia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Alabama, Mississippi, Arkansas and Texas muscadine grapes appear in all types of local recipes. Muscadine wines, muscadine jams, muscadine juice and muscadine grape jelly are all very popular in the Southeastern USA.

While we encourage people to try the various muscadine wines, jellies and juices – these products do not offer the full health benefits of the muscadine grape. It turns out the Muscadine Seeds and the Muscadine skin/pulp have very different health properties. The muscadine seeds will provide more fiber, resveratrol and certain antioxidants. The Muscadine skin and pulp will provide more ellagic acid and other phytochemical. For this reason, a Muscadine Supplement that uses the whole Muscadine Grape – skin, pulp, juice and seed – will provide the most health benefits.

How do I get the Muscadine Supplement ?

To order a free sample Click Here

Resveratrol: The Miracle Antioxidant

Resveratrol: The Miracle Antioxidant

Know the facts about your source of resveratrol...

(NaturalNews) You’ve probably heard about resveratrol, a miracle antioxidant found in grape skins and some other foods and linked to a lower risk of heart disease and to lessened effects of aging. Unlike other antioxidants such as anthocyanins, which give blueberries their color and are an integral part of the fruit, plants produce resveratrol only in response to fungal or bacterial attack. That’s right — resveratrol is a natural antibiotic and fungicide. This means that the more natural fungi and bacteria a plant is exposed to, the more resveratrol it will produce. If a grape plant is repeatedly sprayed with synthetic fungicides — and grapes are among the most chemically treated crops cultivated today — the resveratrol content in the fruit will be lower.

That’s why eating conventional grapes sprayed with fungicides — or drinking non-organic wine — doesn’t provide much resveratrol at all! So all those people hyping red wine as “medicine” may be totally wrong if the wine is made from grapes sprayed with fungicides.

This alone may be incentive enough to buy only organic grapes and wines, because resveratrol may also help maintain healthy programmed cell death, thus staving off cancer. Resveratrol actually alters gene expression in your body, allowing your cells to better resist cancer, heart disease and many other degenerative health conditions.

Studies have also shown that resveratrol can also make chemotherapy more effective against tumors, weaken viruses including influenza and HIV, counter the effects of a high-fat diet and increase physical endurance. Perhaps most miraculously, resveratrol supplements appear to extend the lifespan of yeast, worms and even fish.

Sources for this article include:

Why Nature’s Pearl offers the best source of resveratrol

Muscadines, specifically muscadine seeds, contain a significantly higher ORAC value compared to vinifera grapes because they contain higher amounts of antioxidants and resveratrol. Nature’s Pearl measures the ORAC value of the seeds in the manufacturing process to guarantee the efficacy of the products. The consumer can rest assured that each and every capsule contains the highest levels of antioxidants that are available to them in any food source.

To Learn More: Click Here


The first study conducted by Wake Forest University Health Sciences assessed the cardiovascular effect of Nature's Pearl™ Premium Muscadine Grape Seed Supplement on the human body. David Herrington, MD, MHS, was principal investigator in this randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled crossover trial on 25 men and 25 women with one or more cardiac risk factors.

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